Friday, 4 July 2008

medical clinics and prison breakouts

Today saw the third medical clinic taking place in Kambi Teso, but there was no reduction in people coming for prayer, treatments, or to hear God's word being preached. The 'altar call' brought forward many people, and again they were all prayed for and then given some initial discipling to help them move forwards.
The medical clinic had the usual range of illnesses to deal with: chest and respiratory infections, stomach and intestinal complaints, fungal skin conditions, scabies, aches and pains. Nurse Helen took the award for longest treatment as she dug out about 70 jiggers from one mans feet: 40 in one foot and 30 in the other. NB for those that don't know, jiggers are little worms that get inside the skin and have to be dug out with needles and tweezers: a job that most of us avoided with vengeance!
100+ children from tinies to teenagers filled the children's ministry and kept the team very happy, both US and UK members.
On another note, the men went and visited the men's prison to do an outreach there. David preached his socks off, and God touched the lives of almost all the inmates judging from the numbers that came forwards. Unfortunately however, just as the praying finished, the sirens sounded because a prisoner had escaped, so all other inmates had to go back into their cells and our team left the prison. Hopefully this won't reflect on the prison ministry generally and prevent OAI and co getting in to minister again!
In the evening we all went in small groups to different homes of freinds of OAI Kenya and had delicious Kenyan meals. For many it was our first taste of traditional Kenyan food, and everyone had a wonderful experience.
So the first week is over, the US team still don't have their bags but we are praying that they will be here by tomorrow, and we are all having a great time.
Tomorrow is a trip to a wildlife sanctuary, which includes the chance to ride on an ostrich, so that will be quite something! And then Sunday is at the Open Arms village for a 'church' service, time with the children, a goat roast, and a chance to enjoy the wonders of the area.
Happy Independence Day to all Americans that read this, and happy days to everyone: US, UK and the rest.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Helen. This is Catherine Cheadle's (Kat's) mum and dad here. So good to be able to hear how you all are and the amazing things that you are seeing happen. We have passed the blog on to Cathrine's church. Hope you have a great second week. Love to everyone and God's blessings on all you do. Maggie and John Cheadle x