Monday, 7 July 2008

medical, sport, children and prayer ministry: all blessed by God

the new week got off to a very busy start today, with a host of extra ministries taking place. In the medical area we had the 4 stations of last week with nursing and medical staff, plus Harriet who is a Ugandan GP joining us to make 5 medical stations in all. Then we also had Apollo, Damiri and Doreen pulling teeth and doing other dental procedures, and Opoulli (apologies if spelling is incorrect) doing an ophthalmology clinic. So the local community had access to many aspects of health care that they wouldn't normally be able to afford, and the pharmacy to treat complaints, plus eye-glasses if needed. These people are so poor, it is a privilege to be able to bless them with care that we take so much for granted.
outside in the field there was another new type of ministry going on as well as the childrens ministry, and that was sports ministry. A team of Christian sportsmen and women have joined us from Uganda and nairobi, and do a mixture of outreach to the children through sports (esp football) followed by talking about Christ to them. It is a great way to reach kids, especially the teenagers, and everyone had a good time, until rain stopped play: yes it happens in Eldoret as well as Wimbledon!
God was abundantly present in all the areas of OAI today, as He always is; and as individuals we are all growing in our faith and sense of calling. We are all being challenged and blessed in different ways as is right for each of us, and we are all feeling that it is just a privilege to be able to be part of God at work.
by the way, in yesterday's entry it said that the local majors came to the service in the village: it was actually the nighbours, but I obviously didn't dictate clearly enough to my daughter Natalie (no internet), who graciously sat and typed it up in England as I spoke it on the phone to her. Thank you Natalie for typing it, and Tim for paying the phone bill!

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