Sunday, 6 July 2008

A Weekend of Fun

The team took a break from medical clinics, children’s ministry and games of football yesterday and today and did a bit of touristy stuff.

On Saturday, we went to the delta crescent wildlife sanctuary which is in the foothills of mount Elgone an about 2 hour drive away grew some beautiful country side. We were able to walk in the field enclosure with the zebra and gazelle, and get very close to a couple of rhino separated only by an electric fence (which Bethany inadvertently discovered was definitely electric, with a shock). After lunch, folks had the opportunity to ride horses around the property, and also experienced riding an ostrich (it was definitely the younger ones that did that more), as well as getting the chance to wander around and just delight in Gods creation. Although the trip was a blessing to us, it was also a blessing to the staff that worked at the sanctuary, as they are still suffering from the after effects of the violence earlier this year with much reduced tourism numbers. Unfortunately, poaching escalated during the same period and so the numbers of animals has gone down, which is exacerbating the situation; is it was good to able to bless the staff with some business by going there.

Today, Sunday, we went up to open arms property and had a lovely church service under the African sky with all the folks there, as well as local majors. This was followed by a tour of the property for those that hadn’t been before by tour guide David, art activities lead by Shirley (drawing, tie dye, glitter and sticking etc.), and a goat roast meal. We finished off with the option of a hike down to some very impressive water falls that were about a 30 minute walk away. With plenty of rocks and boulders to clamber on, mountain goat Jonathon was very happy, as were many of the others that took walk down there; and if rock climbing didn’t appeal, the views were amazing just from ground level.

One very important event which happened today was the arrival of almost all the bags, so there are several jubilant Americans enjoying the chance to wear some different clothes, and medical personnel breathing a sigh of relief at the arrival of more medical supplies.

Also, we have been joined by four dentists, one GP and one ophthalmologist from Uganda, so team has become even more international for our coming week of clinics.

Oh, and the other thing that happened at the village was the singing of ‘Happy Birthday’ and the eating of birthday cake in celebration of three team member birthdays in the next two days: Helen H, Dan and Jonto, a lovely surprise for all.

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